Meteor shower viewing can be fun for people of all ages. A meteor shower gazer doesn’t need any special equipment to see meteors (also known as falling stars). Here are some meteor shower viewing tips to help you see the next meteor shower.
When do you look? Most meteor showers can be seen best after midnight and before dawn. (see our definition of midnight) A simple explanation of why this is true is because between these times the Earth is turning into the path of meteoroids as they enter the Earth’s atmosphere thus increasing their speed and intensifying the light they shed. You can read another article named: -When to look- for more details and this article –Meteor Shower FAQ-.
Where do you look? You can see meteor showers virtually anywhere in the sky. The best place to start is near the radiant of the meteor shower. (Check out our -Meteor Glossary- for some meteor related terms such as: radiant).